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wisdom wednesday may4Last Sunday, on Good Shepherd Sunday, we celebrated the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Coincidentally this year it was also Mothers Day; the day we recognize, in a special way, women who encompass all the qualities of motherhood: all the moms, grandmothers, stepmoms, and mothers-to-be in our world.

Pope John Paul II made the importance of the vocation of motherhood quite clear:

“Motherhood is a woman’s vocation. It is an eternal vocation, and it is also a contemporary vocation… We must do everything in order that woman may merit love and veneration. We must do everything in order that children, the family and society may see in her that dignity that Christ saw.”

In this time of COVID and the war in the Ukraine, we must be especially aware of the suffering of mothers who see their child ill or wounded, disappeared or lost.

So many mothers in both the Ukraine and Russia and throughout so many places in our world have lost their child to violence. Let us stand with these women and hold their pain in our hearts as we remember and honour them.

Sister Rosemary Fry

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Out of deep respect for those who have cared for these lands since time immemorial, we are committed to tread lightly on the land, protect water as sacred, and affirm our desire for right relations with all Indigenous Peoples. - From our CSJ Land Acknowledgement

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