News, Events & Reflections
Journey for Justice: Our Summer 2024 Issue
This edition of our social justice newsletter focuses on dignity.
Pope Francis' Prayer Intention for May
Pope Francis' Prayer Intention for May: the formation of religious and seminarians.
Essential but Disposable Labour
An eight-part podcast documentary featuring the voices of migrant workers in Canada.
Celebrating World Day of Consecrated Life
February is a month of joy for the Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto.
Status for All
We call on the Government of Canada to end an unjust system for undocumented migrants.
Wisdom Wednesdays: Take Small Steps
Sister Rosemary Fry reflects on envisioning a different world.
Wisdom Wednesdays: Our World is on a Journey of Faith
Faith journeys all over the globe and all across time.
Do No Harm Webinars
A weekly series exploring anti-oppressive, trauma-informed practices of anti-human trafficking work. May 5, 12, 19, 26, June 2 & 9.
Join us for Hike & Prayer on June 4
Our Hike & Prayer program returns Saturday, June 4, 2022, organized by our Ministry for Social Justice.
Wisdom Wednesdays: Triumph in the Face of Evil
Who is this great mystery we call God for us?
Vocation Vignette Video: Sister Divinia Pedro
Sister Divinia Pedro shares her journey to religious life.
Wisdom Wednesdays: Centers of Care
For the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and World Day of the Sick.
Vocation Vignettes Video: Novitiate
Sisters share their experience of entering religious life.
Video: Synodality, Young People & Church
A presentation and conversation with Sister Nathalie Becquart, XMCJ.
Wisdom Wednesdays: Epiphany
Epiphany, a revelation of new steps on our journey of transformation.
Vocation Vignettes: The Call
In this video series, Sisters share what drew them to religious life.
Wisdom Wednesdays: Fallen Leaves and Saints
November: the month of fallen leaves and saints.
Wisdom Wednesdays: All Saints Day & All Souls Day
Praying for and to those who have gone before us.
Are You Seeking to Find Your Way Forward?
Are you trying to understand your place in this post-pandemic world?
Wisdom Wednesdays: Celebrating our Beginnings
The spirituality of St. Ignatius and the Sisters.
Wisdom Wednesdays: A Branch of Jesus
And Jesus said: "I am the vine, you are the branches."
Wisdom Wednesdays: The Blessing of Pope Francis
Sister Rosemary Fry reflects upon what it means to be a beacon of hope.
A Favourite Maxim: January 18
Let your good actions be hidden in time and known only to God, that they may appear in eternity, or never appear if that be God’s will.
A Favourite Maxim: January 4
Be humble, since whatever you have, whatever you are, or whatever you do for yourself or others proceeds from the pure mercy and infinite condescension of
...A Favourite Maxim: December 7
It is the same with hope: the more difficult your situation, and the less chance of success or of someone coming to your assistance, the more you need to trust
...Wisdom Wednesdays: Celebrate and be Grateful
The month of November and the liturgical year are almost ended. We have so much to remember, ...
Sisters Celebrate 170th Anniversary
On October 7, 1851, four Sisters of St. Joseph came to Toronto from Philadelphia to care for children, left as orphans as a result of an epidemic of
...Catholics Urge Prime Minister to Take Urgent and Swift Measures to Address Climate Emergency
Joint Ecological Ministry called on Catholics across Canada to unite and