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News, Events & Reflections

This edition of our social justice newsletter focuses on dignity.

Pope Francis' Prayer Intention for May: the formation of religious and seminarians.

Exploring the traditions of our Maxims and ministries.

What would our foundress' message be today?

Our prayer for vocations.

Our social justice newsletter.

An eight-part podcast documentary featuring the voices of migrant workers in Canada.

An Intersectional Analysis of the 2030 Agenda in Canada

The October 2023 issue of our social justice newsletter.

Our May 2023 social justice newsletter and our new podcast.

Reflect with Sister Rosemary Fry.

Sharing the good news in creation care.

February is a month of joy for the Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto.

What would you give up to walk with Him?

Faith, hope and love.

We call on the Government of Canada to end an unjust system for undocumented migrants.

Wisdom and steadfastness.

Our social justice newsletter.

Imagining a theology of the heart.

Sister Rosemary Fry reflects on envisioning a different world.

Faith journeys all over the globe and all across time.

Our social justice newsletter.

Announcing our election results.

For the repose of their souls.

Let’s End the Safe Third Country Agreement

A weekly series exploring anti-oppressive, trauma-informed practices of anti-human trafficking work. May 5, 12, 19, 26, June 2 & 9.

Choose words of Truth and Reconciliation.

Honouring the Mother of the Church.

This enterprise of life.

An eternal vocation.

Our Hike & Prayer program returns Saturday, June 4, 2022, organized by our Ministry for Social Justice.

Recognizing and using your God-given gifts.

The latest issue of our social justice newsletter.

Touch the wounds of the suffering.

The presence of the Risen Christ with us...

Who is this great mystery we call God for us?

Face evil and suffering with compassion.

Gaze on Jesus and ask…

Gaze on Jesus and ask…

Rise to the joy of an eternal life.

Let our God express loving care.

Sister Divinia Pedro shares her journey to religious life.

Lent is a path.

Living fully in the present moment.

Finding God in each person.

For the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and World Day of the Sick.

A reflection by Julie Cachia, CSJ Vocation Animator.

Sisters share their experience of entering religious life.

The growing light...

A presentation and conversation with Sister Nathalie Becquart, XMCJ.

The book launch for our historical publication.

To unite with one another, we must love one another.

Listening and Synodality.

Epiphany, a revelation of new steps on our journey of transformation.

We stand in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en people.

In this video series, Sisters share what drew them to religious life.

Welcome to the Winter 2021 edition of our newsletter.

A reflection on the future of our planet.

November: the month of fallen leaves and saints.

At St. Michael's Cemetery

Praying for and to those who have gone before us.

Are you trying to understand your place in this post-pandemic world?

The sensuality of nature.

Let us rejoice in nature's lessons.

Find the will and courage to love everything.

Deepen your love of the world.

A celebration of the created world.

The latest issue of our social justice newsletter.

What are your turning points?

Let us spend our summer days with Jesus.

Inviting others to join us.

A personal experience at Lamport Stadium.

An invitation to imagination.

Discernment: Making life choices.

Invited to live in the midst of all creation.

The spirituality of St. Ignatius and the Sisters.

Celebrating St. Ignatius.

And Jesus said: "I am the vine, you are the branches."

Sister Rosemary Fry reflects on our world.

Religious life in the Year of St. Joseph.

Our Ministry for Social Justice newsletter.

Truth, reconciliation, and the rights of Indigenous peoples.

Sister Rosemary Fry reflects upon what it means to be a beacon of hope.

St. Joseph, Protector

Springs of Hope


Living into Sabbath

Stepping Up to a Smaller Foodprint

Water is the First Medicine

Re-imaging our Relationship with nature

The Call to Discipleship

Listening to the Heartbeat of God

Nine days of daily reflection.

Let your good actions be hidden in time and known only to God, that they may appear in eternity, or never appear if that be God’s will.

Be humble, since whatever you have, whatever you are, or whatever you do for yourself or others proceeds from the pure mercy and infinite condescension of


It is the same with hope: the more difficult your situation, and the less chance of success or of someone coming to your assistance, the more you need to trust


The first issue of our new social justice newsletter.

The month of November and the liturgical year are almost ended. We have so much to remember, ...

On October 7, 1851, four Sisters of St. Joseph came to Toronto from Philadelphia to care for children, left as orphans as a result of an epidemic of


Joint Ecological Ministry called on Catholics across Canada to unite and


Out of deep respect for those who have cared for these lands since time immemorial, we are committed to tread lightly on the land, protect water as sacred, and affirm our desire for right relations with all Indigenous Peoples. - From our CSJ Land Acknowledgement

Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto © 2024