We offer two programs:
CSJ School Visit Programs
Living Laudato Si'
The purpose of Living Laudato Si’ is to explore dynamic, interconnected relationships in a classroom setting.
This program is divided into three in-class sessions that will be both interactive and contemplative.
- The first visit will focus on Land Acknowledgements. Why do we offer them and what do students understand about them? What do we mean when we say “Original Caretakers”? Where do the “Calls to Action” and Creation Care intersect?
- The second visit will provide a fulsome introduction to the 2015 Papal Encyclical Laudato Si’, followed by group debriefing and exploring how far back “creation care” can be found in the Catholic tradition.
- The third, and final, visit will look at the ongoing impact of Laudato Si’ since it’s publication. Students will be introduced to the work of different organizations that have been taking a faith-based approach to climate justice for several years. A special emphasis will be placed on the work of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto, as an example of a community truly living Laudato Si’.
This program is facilitated by Sabrina Chiefari, Integral Ecology Specialist, Ministry for Social Justice, Peace, and Creation Care, Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto.

Vocations and Spirituality
“What do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
– Mary Oliver
We are God’s created children born out of love and for love. God is continually revealing to us our path in life, attracting us towards expressing our potential to live and serve others.
We offer:
- Presentations to students, teachers and administrators
- High school vocational discernment presentation based on the theme of ‘how to be in today’s world.’
- Learning about a culture of vocations through the history, mission and ministries of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto.
These offerings are created and facilitated by Julie Cachia, Vocation Animator, Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto.