We are committed to nurturing community, making Christ present to the world through personal witness and living lives of service as stated in our mission statement:
The love of Christ gathers us together to live in communion with all. As a community of women, we are sent to serve those in need in simplicity and compassion.

As a community of women we are sent to serve those in need in simplicity and compassion.
Charism is a gift of the Spirit given to people so that they may use it to help others. Each religious community has its own charism, its own special expression of their values and beliefs. This charism determines what their work or mission will be.
Father Jean-Pierre Médaille, SJ and the first Sisters of St. Joseph were inspired by Jesus’ invitation to love God and to love the “dear neighbour.” From this invitation flowed our charism: to be one with God, among ourselves and with all others.
Our spirituality finds expression in ministries to those in need and to all of creation. Our life together and our ministries reflect the love between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and the Holy Family.
We nourish our spirituality through personal and communal prayer, celebration of the sacraments, regular retreats and other spiritual nourishment. Our call to life in community is a special gift of the Spirit: we believe that Christ is present among us and in each person.