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epiphany fullJanuary 2022 is the beginning of a whole new calendar year in this long somewhat tedious COVID time. It calls out for an Epiphany, a revelation of new steps on our journey of transformation.

In this excerpt from her poem For Those Who Have Far to Travel, Jan Richardson gives us some rules for this journey:

to be faithful to
the next step;
to rely on more
than the map;
to heed the signposts
of intuition and dream;
to follow the star
that only you
will recognize;

to keep an open eye
for the wonders that
attend the path;
to press on
beyond distractions,
beyond fatigue,
beyond what would
tempt you

Please click here to read the full poem from Jan Richardson's website.

Let us live with these rules assiduously, as we creep our way tenuously forward, into a new year, a new time and a new way of being with each other and with the whole of creation. We have far to go…

Sister Rosemary Fry

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Out of deep respect for those who have cared for these lands since time immemorial, we are committed to tread lightly on the land, protect water as sacred, and affirm our desire for right relations with all Indigenous Peoples. - From our CSJ Land Acknowledgement

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