Accessibility Statement
for the Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto
Statement of Organizational Commitment
The Congregation of Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto is committed to providing a barrier-free environment for our Sisters, visitors, employees, volunteers, job applicants, suppliers, and other stakeholders who enter our premises or access our information.
As a Congregation, we respect and uphold the requirements set forth under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) and Ontario’s accessibility laws. We further recognize that our obligations under the AODA do not replace our responsibilities or limit our responsibilities under the Ontario Human Rights Code, or other laws pertaining to people with disabilities.
Our Congregation is committed to ensuring compliance to the established AODA standards, and are dedicated to meeting the needs of individuals with disabilities promptly, removing and preventing barriers to accessibility when required. Evidence of our commitment can be found in our policies, staff mission and values statement and philosophy of care. It is further reinforced in our care for the dear neighbour.
Anyone wishing to provide feedback on the way we provide goods and services to people with disabilities, or to receive a copy of our Multi-Year Plan or Policy, may contact us by email at All enquiries will be responded to within 30-days of receipt.
Your support is appreciated as we continually work towards an inclusive and accessible environment for everyone.