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summer wisdom wedSister Mary McGlone serves on the congregational leadership team of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. She also writes a weekly column for the National Catholic Reporter reflecting on weekend scripture readings. Her knowledge of scripture, acuity and sense of fun always make these a delightful, profitable read each weekend.

Reflecting on this past Sunday's readings in her column here, she reminds us:

“The God of Israel, the God of Jesus never stops calling and revealing self to us. The God who sustained the people in the desert spoke through Jesus and still longs to draw us close. Jesus invites us to be so nourished by his life and message that… we become imitators of Christ who gave himself to God by giving himself to others, by being flesh for the life of the world.” - Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

This is the same God that Ignatius reminds us to recognize "in all things." As we traverse through the last of these warm, bright summer days, let us use this time to deepen our relationship with Jesus, to grow in love and intimacy with the God who became a man for us, and who shared every aspect of our humanity.

Pope Francis asks us:

“'What must we do to be doing the works of God?' ... the work of God… is not adding religious practices or observing special precepts… it is living a love story with Jesus.” – Angelus, August 5, 2018

Let us fall more deeply in love with Jesus. Spend time with him. Listen to his words and observe how he treats those around him. We can have no better model for how to live this life.

Sister Rosemary Fry

Previous Wisdom Wednesdays

Out of deep respect for those who have cared for these lands since time immemorial, we are committed to tread lightly on the land, protect water as sacred, and affirm our desire for right relations with all Indigenous Peoples. - From our CSJ Land Acknowledgement

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