While living in the midst of a world seemingly on brink of collapse with poverty and hunger made worse by violence and destruction of the natural world, how is it possible to live with hope?
Try this:
Use your imagination:
In the present moment to envision a different world. A world of inclusive love, respect, awe at the wonders of creation including humans.
Slow down, take time, become still and quiet:
Imagine a world in which Gospel values and the Church’s Catholic Social Teaching govern human discourse.
Then begin to take small steps toward your imaginary world:
Admire a flower, smile at a stranger, say thank you for a small kindness.
Your mood will change.
You will begin to experience that your imaginary world is possible. You will begin to feel hopeful and soon you will be in a position to communicate hope to others.
You will experience what author, poet, actress and activist Arundhati Roy describes:
“Not only is another world possible, she is on her way.
On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.”
By Sister Rosemary Fry