The month of November and the liturgical year are almost ended.
What a rich time as we celebrate our Saints, our ancestors, the Souls of all our dead.
On this past Sunday, the last Sunday of the Liturgical year, the four of us, Sisters of St. Joseph, living in our Formation House, in Toronto, gathered around the computer, to watch Father Denis McBride CSsR celebrate Mass thousands of miles away, across the ocean.
This has been our Sunday celebration of the Eucharist, with the Universal Church, during these COVID-19 lockdown times.
This Sunday, we celebrated the Feast of Christ the King. but as Sisters of St. Joseph, we were also celebrating our sister, Mother St. John, who brought us back together in France, after we were dispersed during the French Revolution, and who later sent Sisters to North America.
Our sister, Mother Delphine, her niece, was one of them. She came to Toronto 170 years ago, bringing the first Sisters to the orphanage on Power St. so much to remember, so much to be grateful, for so much to bring to the Eucharistic celebration.
The scripture reading reminded us that the ways Sisters of St. Joseph have ministered in Toronto for the past 170 years are the ways we are to minister to the broken body of Christ in our world each day: feeding the hungry clothing the naked healing the sick welcoming the stranger and visiting prisoners.
We have so much to remember, to celebrate, to be grateful for.
By Sister Rosemary Fry