Nine consecutive days of daily reflection.
As we Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto celebrate our 170th Anniversary of ministry and presence in the Archdiocese of Toronto, Canada, and beyond, we are offering a Novena of Creation.
These are nine consecutive days with daily reflections on the call to honour and care for creation. It will conclude on March 19 which is the Feast of St. Joseph.
We are grateful to our Federation Ecology Committee for assisting us in this endeavour by sharing articles written in their Green Window and Food for Thought environmental contributions.
We invite you to read our articles and also visit to read more of their Ecology Resources.
Please join us each day in prayer and reflection.
Allow your hearts to be opened and your manner of living amongst all God’s creation to be changed that all may safely live and grow to the fullness of life in God.
Let us remember in a special way the intentions and graces each person is praying for in this Novena.
Please join us tomorrow, March 11, for the reflection for Day 1.
By Sisters Betty Lou Knox, Mary Mettler and Janet Speth, CSJ

Photo: Joseph the Protector, photographed by Sister Betty Lou Knox