Living into Sabbath
We join with the Earth and with each other.
We join together as many and diverse expressions of one loving mystery for the healing of the Earth and the renewal of all life. Amen.

Sabbath is an essential part of the evolutionary and spiritual processes of life. In the Biblical tradition, Sabbath completes the creation of the universe. Sabbath rhythms are vital to the maintenance of all life. It is a time set aside to honour creation.
We see various species of life teaching us that resting is an inextricable part of the way of all life. We see this in plants and animals as they annually enter into a state of rest. Trees and bees, bears and butterflies – all creation develops and works within its own rhythm.
One could ask, “Is there nothing I can do about the environment?” And Sabbath wisdom responds, “Nothing may be one of the best things you can do. One day every week, do nothing.”
Ignoring Sabbath can lead to a lack of inner peace as well as destruction of our Earth with its accompanying rise in human poverty and suffering. In Sabbath time, we remember to celebrate what is beautiful and sacred.
We become available to the insights and blessings of deep mindfulness that arise only in stillness. Sabbath can be a time for God, for Earth, for one another, a time for gratitude.
Rest promotes healing, restoration and reproduction and we humans are part of creation and in vital need of these rhythms as well. Our culture shields us in multiple ways from our dependence on God and creation.
Sabbath will remind us that we are creatures enmeshed in creation and dependent on it. Taking time for Sabbath can teach us that somethings are not for sale, they are beyond price and they bring balance and beauty to our lives.
When I take Sabbath time, how do I experience the Divine?
Prayer with Words
Life giving God, you call us to honour all your creation.
On the seventh day you blessed all that you had made.
This gift of Sabbath was your final blessing to all.
Help us to cherish the times when we can be silent
and know your presence in the midst of creation’s beauty.
Help us to live with grateful hearts.
May we behold the radiance of creation
and may it always draw us deeper into your abundant Love.
Amen.– Sister Mary Mettler, CSJ
Body Prayer Without Words
A Healing Hand Prayer by Jenny Sandler with music by Paul Winter:
By Sisters Betty Lou Knox, Mary Mettler and Janet Speth, CSJ