Re-imaging our Relationship with nature
We join with the Earth and with each other.
We join together as many and diverse expressions of one loving mystery for the healing of the Earth and the renewal of all life. Amen.
We struggle with the tragedy of the coronavirus in the world and try to keep ourselves and others safe in this crisis. We are astounded by its far-reaching impact beyond its physical symptoms and even death. It is challenging us globally to reconsider our human relationships and values.
If the experience of this pandemic is teaching us anything at all it is to remind us of the interconnected-ness and interdependence of all things. It is calling us to attend as humans, as Christians, to the “cry of the earth and the cry of the poor”.
Personal and societal transformation are essential as we move towards our ‘new normal.’ The crisis is a cry to us to question and re-assess our philosophy of individualism and patterns of greed, convenience, indifference and consumerism.
Even entire cultures are being threatened. The Siekopai nation living in the Amazon rainforest of Ecuador fear if the virus is unchecked, they could become exterminated. Their hope lies in recovering their ancestral wisdom using native plants for healing.
Perhaps we too are experiencing this urgent call to change; essentially to change by re-imaging our relationship with nature and our sisters and brothers around the globe. Why does this matter now?
In a video we share below, the Siekopai speak of the balance of all life that is at the heart of indigenous beliefs. To view relationships anew demands of us, as individuals and communities, substantive change toward a sacred relationship with nature and a true grasp of the oneness in all of creation.
In this is our hope and healing.

What attitude or behaviour of yours cries out to be transformed?
Prayer: Coming to Our Senses (Luke 15:11-32)
O Holy One,
we are an impetuous lot,
demanding that our every whim be catered to,
and allowing desire to lead us down the path of indignity.We walk upon Earth as the prodigal species,
taking the inheritance of a fourteen billion year-old universe,
and a five billion year old planet,
and squandering it in dissolute living.Now, O Source of All Inheritance,
we come to our senses.
Now, O Compassionate One,
we see the error of our ways.
Now, O Forgiver of Foolishness,
we seek to make amends.Awaken us to a wonder that issues in humility
and drops us to our knees.
Transform our desire into a burning willingness
to reconcile ourselves one with another,
to heal our relationship to other species,
to see life as pure gift,
and to return with an offering of humility
to your awaiting arms.
Amen.– Bruce Sanguin, If Darwin Prayed, reprinted with permission
By Sisters Betty Lou Knox, Mary Mettler and Janet Speth, CSJ
Photo by Sister Betty Lou Knox