Our Collaborative Ministries are shared projects established in partnership with other organizations. This is part of our Shared Ministerial Commitment to nurture community with our neighbour, especially with the homeless, the alienated, the economically poor, women at risk and our wounded Earth.
Collaborative Network to End Exploitation
The Collaborative Network to End Exploitation is a community working to raise awareness about the spectrum of exploitation of human beings. Our goal is to inspire action for structural and societal change to prevent trafficking and mistreatment. It is a project of our Ministry for Social Justice, and Creation Care.
You can learn more below and check out our Migrant Workers Exercise, an experiential workshop where participants are led through some of the experiences of exploitation migrant workers face in Canada. Request the workshop for your parish, school, organization.

Migrants and Refugees
In 2003, we began a series of unique collaborations to aid newcomers to Canada. These include: Becoming Neighbours and CSJ Project Hope.
Becoming Neighbours
In 2003, a group of 19 women and men religious congregations came together to assist immigrants and refugees as friends, guides and mentors during their initial adjustment to the country. They established a joint apostolic ministry, the first such effort in the city of Toronto. Becoming Neighbours is under the direction of Father Peter McKenna SCJ.
Stir Retreats: Spiritual Transformation in Recovery
STIR (Spiritual Transformation in Recovery) offers transformative spiritual retreats and programs across Canada to people recovering from homelessness and addiction.
We invite them to encounter God’s love, hope and healing through spiritual companionship that reshapes lives and relationships.