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Vocation Ministry

Each person created by God has a vocation or call in life to become who they were created to be and to express it in service to others. We are here to help you find your direction in life.

Our CSJ Vocation Ministry promotes and animates the history, mission and ministries of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto, inviting others to join us in living the Gospel values and serving the needs of the dear neighbor in our society today.

Vocation Ministry seeks ways to help people find their direction in life within the context of their lived realities and experiences.

I Wonder...

Julie Cachia, Vocation Animator

You are God’s beloved child. He loves you very much! You were wonderfully and uniquely created to love and serve others through your gifts and talents.

Regardless of your state of life, God is continually awakening a desire within you for something more, to be who you were created to be out of love and for love. A vocation is an attraction moving you towards expressing your potential to live it out and serve others.

So, I wonder:

Do you feel called by God to serve?

Do you have...

  • Special gifts and talents that you want to share with others?
  • A desire to live a life of service, spirituality and faith?
  • A sense that you are called by God?

As Vocation Animator for the Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto, my role is to share the life and ministries of the Sisters with you through an invitation of prayer, reflection and conversations. Let’s listen to the movements of your heart as you journey with us to be and to become, what God wants you to be in nature, in grace, in love and service to others.


Are you a person who feels drawn to social justice?

Are you someone who feels empathy and care for those who suffer due to systemic inequalities in our society and economy? Someone who wants to spend more time nurturing God's creations? Are you looking for volunteer roles and meaningful opportunities to make a difference in this world?

Are you someone searching for spirituality?

Perhaps you wish to continue to live the life you have built, but are seeking Christ's unifying love in the world around you, and you are searching for a faith community that is guided by the Sisters mission & values and love for God and neighbour even as you pursue your own path.


Do you feel called to do something special?

Are you drawn to a life of service to God? Do you feel stirred to be a part of community that is committed to prayer and discernment, dedicated to the Gospel, and devoted to serving people in need?


Are you are looking for ways to share your gifts?

Maybe you seek to find all the ways in which your talents can bear fruit for everyone living on our troubled planet, searching for a place in this post-pandemic world where you can make a difference.


In reading this,

you may feel a connection and longing, a desire to take a first step on a journey that may lead you to:

  • A volunteer role
  • A community of faith that you might want to join
  • Or even possibly a life of service among women religious.


God has shown you,

O people, what is good.

And what does God, ask of you?

To act justly, to love tenderly, and to walk humbly with your God. - Micah 6:8


Feel free to get in touch

with me via email, over the phone or even by post, and together, we can discuss and explore how the Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto might walk with you as you seek faith, love, spirituality and community in your life.

Get In Touch

You can reach Julie Cachia, Vocation Animator, at 416-467-2646 or via our online form.

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Out of deep respect for those who have cared for these lands since time immemorial, we are committed to tread lightly on the land, protect water as sacred, and affirm our desire for right relations with all Indigenous Peoples. - From our CSJ Land Acknowledgement

Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto © 2024